The SRO is the person accountable for the success of the program.

SRO is the single point of accountability for the success of the program and the key program decision maker.
The SRO should be drawn from the business itself and be a primary beneficiary of the of the outcomes the program will deliver. The SRO should view the program as an investment which is only worthwhile while the benefits it will deliver outweigh the costs and risks of delivering those benefits.
Senior Responsible Owner – responsibility statement
- Primary accountability: Accountable for the success of the program.
Provide leadership and ownership of the program
- Show visible leadership throughout the program and be the face of the program;
- Secure funding for the program and front any requests for additional funding;
- Provide direction and guidance to the program;
- Ensure the program remains aligned to the organisation’s objectives;
- Own the business case;
- Chair the Program Board.
Establish the program’s governance arrangements
- Drive the initiation of the program upon appointment;
- Establish the Program Board and select Program Board members based on the program’s needs;
- Recruit the Program Manager and Business Change Manager;
- Ensure board members are aware of their responsibilities;
- Ensure all stakeholders understand the operation of the program governance arrangements and their role in it;
- Ensure projects within the program are adequately governed;
- Ensure there is clarity of the decisions that are to be made by the Program Board.
Maintain a strategic perspective on the program
- Understand the strategic objectives of the organisation and ensure the program remains aligned with those objectives throughout its life;
- Ensure the program has, and maintains, a clear vision and that all stakeholders remain aligned to this vision;
- Maintain awareness of any broader considerations and how the program impacts upon or could be impacted by such considerations.
Support program stakeholders
- Ensure stakeholders are aligned with the program’s objectives and that they remain so throughout the program.
- Present as the main face of the program both internally and external to the organisation;
- Establish the necessary stakeholder management groups;
- Manage stakeholders with the assistance of the Program Manager and ensure stakeholders needs are met and their issues are addressed;
- Ensure ongoing stakeholder support for the program;
- Balance the sometimes conflicting views and needs of the business, users and suppliers.
Ensure the program maintains a service outcome focus
- Ensure the organisation is capable of achieving the stated vision;
- Ensure the overall program focus is on delivering services and outcomes rather than only assets;
- Ensure program costing, budget and cost controls are focused on whole of life costs rather than only capital cost;
- Ensure the program benefits are clearly stated and that a clear plan is developed for realising those benefits;
- Develop the definition of the program from the owner’s perspective, ensuring clear articulation of the program’s benefits, objectives, drivers and critical success factors.
Monitor and control progress
- Ensure the program follows the organisation’s approved program management methodology;
- Drive the program forward and ensure that momentum and progress is maintained;
- Own and manage the program budget;
- Where additional funds are required, present or support the case for such funds;
- Own and manage the program business case and other key program documentation such as the program plan;
- Ensure program documentation is reviewed by the Program Board and that documents are either approved or the necessary modifications required to achieve approval are articulated;
- Approve, or otherwise, material scope changes and ensure the business case reflects such changes.
Focus on the main risks and issues
- Ensure adequate attention is focused on risks and risk mitigation;
- Where appropriate, ensure risk is adequately costed;
- Resolve issues that have been escalated by the Program Manager and work with stakeholders where necessary to address such issues;
- Where necessary, seek independent advice on the program;
- Ensure adequate assurance mechanisms have been established.
Resource the program for success
- Ensure adequate business resources are allocated to the program;
- Ensure sufficient user resources are deployed on the program for the production of user specifications, acceptance criteria etc;
- Ensure external supplier resources are adequate both in terms of numbers, skills and expertise;
- Ensure they allocate adequate of their own time to the program.