Why choose Ross Garland+ Associates?
Ross Garland + Associates focuses on managing the investment rather than just the project. We take a business approach to our clients investments in programs and projects, rather than a project management approach. This enables us to work with senior business managers to ensure:
- Managers have visibility and control of their program and project investments;
- Change outcomes meet business needs;
- Benefits are realised;
- Value for money is the fundamental investment driver.
We do this with a project governance focus that ensures executive decision making is investment focused.

Why is our program & project governance so effective?
We have designed, implemented, documented and reviewed the governance on billions of dollars worth of investments, from the small to the very, very large. We are recognised as the experts in this field because our approach is so effective. Why?
- Our governance frameworks are underpinned by logic and years of experience;
- Our frameworks are consistent with best practice, to which we contribute;
- We focus on the needs of senior management who are the “customers” of good program and project governance;
- A program or project represents an investment of scarce resources (money and human) and we focus on it achieving optimum value for money;
- we are the acknowledged experts. Ross Garland is the author of Project governance – a practical guide to effective project decision making, Kogan-Page 2009, has published white papers for the UK Government’s Cabinet Office and is an official reviewer of best practice publications;
- Billions of dollars of investments are being governed by principles established by Ross Garland + Associates.
- Our governance frameworks provide senior management with increased delivery, and decision making, confidence.
Find out more about effective governance and why it is so important to the success of your programs and projects.
How can our program & project assurance benefit you?
An assurance framework should be integrated with the decision making (i.e. governance) framework. Think of the governance framework as being about decision making – the assurance framework is about decision making support. It is there to support senior executives making critical program and project decisions. Unless the two are integrated, the benefits to the organisation are not optimised.
Our assurance mechanisms will benefit your organisation because:
- We ensure our governance and assurance mechanisms are integrated and support one another;
- Our assurance frameworks are focussed on the needs of senior executives who benefit from having greater confidence in the decisions they are making;
- We are experts in assurance. In particular, Ross Garland +Associates has implemented the Gateway Review Process in two jurisdictions and advised many others. Ross is an experienced Gateway Review Team Leader and Member.
Why choose us for your PMOs & P3Os?
Establishing a sustainable PMO or P3O requires knowledge and experience. Various studies show the success rate of PMOs is quite poor. We can make your PMO/P3O a success, with your help, by:
- Focusing on the needs of the key stakeholders – senior executives (especially reporting) and PMs (delivery support functions);
- Recognising the sometimes subtle difference between delivery (what PMs do) and delivery support (what PMOs do);
- Drawing upon our extensive experience by correctly positioning the PMO in the business model and ensuring the governance arrangements support its success;
- Ensuring that the single most important function of a PMO – reporting – is done very well. (Why reporting? Because reporting directly meets the core information needs of the senior executives that are responsible for funding the PMO – so keep the customer happy!).
Find out how the PMOs & P3Os we design and implement are key components of more efficient and effective project delivery.
Our approach
Ross Garland + Associates works with senior management teams to provide visibility and control over program & project investments, and ultimately, confidence in their decision making. We pride ourselves on building capability in our clients’ organisations.
Read more about our approach.
Our portfolio
Our portfolio contains a selection of the diverse range of work in which Ross Garland + Associates are involved.
Read more about our portfolio.